The zBingo game begins with 2-5 players, each receiving their own randomly generated 5x5 grid of numbers. On this grid, they select and cross off numbers. The objective is to be the first player to successfully complete two lines by crossing off all five numbers in each line. These two lines can be formed horizontally, vertically, or diagonally on the grid. As an exciting reward for their victory, zBingo champions will be granted a Genesis Mystery Box.

During their respective turns, players choose which number on their 5x5 card to cross off. This number will be broadcast on the number stream at the top of the screen to all players and will be crossed off on any grid card that has this number. This means that the numbers chosen by a player during their turn could also contribute to the completion of other players' lines, and vice versa. So, your selections could help other players achieve their Bingo, and their choices could help you too. It adds an extra layer of excitement and strategy to the game.

Step-to-step Tutorial:

Game setup (zBingo grid card generation)

During the game setup, you will generate your own 5x5 zBingo Grid Card, which consists of 25 numbers (randomly picked from 1-36) laid out on the 5-column 5-row Grid Card. The card is generated from a one-time encryption key derived from your signature. The card remains encrypted to other players but will be shown to you.

Note that no gas fee is required to regenerate the Grid Card. You can repeatedly generate new zBingo Grid Cards until it has the layout you like. After you’ve chosen your ideal Grid Card layout, you can submit the card and start the matchmaking process.

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After submitting your zBingo Grid Card, you’ll be put into the Matchmaking process. In zBingo V1 design, zBingo supports 2-5 players each round. You can click on “Start” to begin the game as long as there is another player. If there are 5 players, the game will be automatically kickstarted.

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Picking Your Numbers

Players sequentially choose their preferred number on their grid cards. Once a number is selected by a player, it will be broadcasted on the number stream at the top of the screen and will be crossed off on any player’s grid card (that has this number).

When it's your turn, click on the tile with your selected number. A MetaMask signature request will pop up to ask you to submit the transaction. This ensures a transparent and secure gaming experience using the blockchain technology.

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